Day & Night

Scripture Reading - Joshua 1:8 KJV

This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.

In today’s lesson we will briefly look into “Day & Night”. Of course some people when speaking of “Day & Night” will immediately think about working and resting while others might remember waking up and going to sleep in the front of their mind. We (ihlcc) will discuss both of those positions while incorporating the Word of God. Yes, in our reference scripture we are instructed to meditate upon The Book of the Law. In the days of Joshua that was the first five books of the Holy Bible known as the Pentateuch. The word Pentateuch means “five books” so the name is fitting for the context. The reason it was also known as “The Law” was because these books contain the “Laws of God” spoken to Moses, so “The Law” incorporated the ten commands but “The Law of God” has a lot more to it than just the ten commandments because The Law has the history and content of God’s Nature concerning the creation of all mankind not limited to only those who believe in God. We notice when reading in Joshua chapter 1 verse 1 that Moses had passed on and God Himself started speaking directly to Joshua as the new leader of the Children of Israel. God knowing Joshua had some big shoes to fill made it a point to speak directly to Joshua just like He spoke directly to Moses. The Lord spoke directly to Joshua to calm his fears and instruct him on the path he should walk (divine direction). One thing we (ihlcc) love about God is that He (The Lord) always partners with us to complete any task He assigns to us. We see in the whole 1st chapter of Joshua it is all about God encouraging Joshua with some instruction mingled within. However, don’t miss the obvious importance of God commandment to Israel’s new general to meditate upon God’s Word (The Law). It was so important to God that He mentioned doing “The Law” in verses 7 and 8 because the Word of God is our firm foundation to build our life upon. Yes, The Lord does require for all His Children and Servants to be historians focusing primarily upon what God previously said and what God has previously established through His Mighty works in this earth. This is because God is not willing to give up one inch of ground that He has already fought for and established in His Good and Holy Name. Knowing God’s Word is a direct link to knowing God and once you commit to knowing God’s Word God has a place with you to elaborate upon anything you see in His Holy Word and/or anything you hear from the man or woman of God. Yes, sometimes The Lord will teach you more about His Word privately as mentioned in John 14:26 KJV, “But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you. At other times the Lord may comfort you through His Word as mentioned in Romans 15:4 KJV which states, “For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope.” God can also bring correction via the scriptures in line with 2 Timothy 3:16 KJV which states, “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:” Therefore we do well to know the Word of God intimately (very well) so we can be in the best position possible to obey God’s Words. Yes, we know in many cases we are preaching to the choir but a little background and foundational support never hurts anyone because now we are able to go into our topic for today which is “Day & Night”. God has a specific system already established to study His Word while spending time with Him. We see Joshua was told by God to “meditate day and night”. Notice God didn’t say all day and all night because we are not able to keep that requirement. No, The Lord our teacher was very clear and concise to speak forth “Day & Night”. Now, the word “and” is a conjunction so we must be ready (prepared) to do both. We (ihlcc) do firmly believe that when commanded by God to meditate upon God’s Word both “Day & Night” we are to give God the first fruits of our labors which translates into giving God the first part of your waking day (when you wake up) by spending some time with Him. Likewise the first part of your night could be spent talking with the Lord to establish a peaceful rest in Christ Jesus. Why the first part?, solely because that will directly impact how you spend the next several hours outside of God’s Time whether working or resting. If you spend some time in God’s Presence before you start work you will work much better and possibly have answers to questions that come up during that day. In similar fashion, it is better to relieve your heart of any and all burdens before you go to sleep because if you don’t the cares of this world can keep you up at night and cause undue stress and anxiety. “Day & Night” are usually our signals in the earth that we need to make a shift in our behavior whether it is resting and relaxing or working and producing “Day & Night” are the key contributors to that transition. We (ihlcc) are encouraging all believers to practice Psalms 1:2 KJV which states, “But his delight is in the law of the LORD; and in his law doth he meditate day and night.” We notice that God didn’t say “Day” or “Night” as if one session is sufficient. No The Divine Teacher said, “Day and Night” so we must do both (not one or the other) if you want to be successful in life with God. Of course spending any time with God is better than not spending any time with God but we should never do what we think is adequate when the scriptures teach us exactly what is God’s opinion of adequate. Yes, during “Day” or “Night” would be once a day but God like things to be established by at least two witnesses according to 2 Corinthians 13:1. Just so you won’t think this is limited to the Old Testament we see a similar phrase in the New Testament in Mark 4:26-27 KJV which states, “And he said, So is the kingdom of God, as if a man should cast seed into the ground; And should sleep, and rise night and day, and the seed should spring and grow up, he knoweth not how.” This parable explains how the Kingdom of God works and it works by planting the seed of God’s Word into your heart then continue to water that seed both “night and day” for the seed to grow-up and produce fruit. We must understand that God’s Word can produce growth in both time periods. Yes, while you are sleeping (resting your body and mind) and while working during the day the word is working (growing inside of you), if properly nourished and fed. This is the primary reason we are instructed to keep the Word of God before us both “day & night” which would include meditating upon God’s Word when you get up and some time before you go to bed at night. Since the 24 hour day is broken-up into two 12 hour periods we can feed our heart one meal for 12 hours then another meal for the next 12 hours. Doesn’t even nature itself teach us that only eating one large meal a day is much more challenging than having two properly portioned meals per day? Certainly! So be wise dear child of God and celebrate Jesus by dining with Him twice a day. Yes, once for breakfast with God and the other time would be eating dinner with God in pure fellowship with The Lord. Yes, the first thing in the day and the first thing in the night season because if you start with God and finish with God it is very probable and possible to have God’s participation all the day long and all the night long too. Therefore while being in Christ Jesus have consistent fellowship with your Lord Jesus both “Day & Night” so He can show you The Light whether by “Day” or whether by “Night”. Amen!